
An Experience Bar that shows your characters level progress.

View the Project on GitHub Morath86/BarFiller

Welcome to BarFiller.

What does it do? Simply put, it displays an experience bar above the Help Window. It will display at the top-center of the screen no matter what resolution you're using, and display your current level progress below. Includes XP needed to reach the next level, overall %, and XP/hr.

Since it shares much of the code from PointWatch, you can quickly update the experience counter by opening your Status menu, and/or waiting for any experience to be gained, or lost.

Available commands:

barfiller help - Shows the following information below
barfiller clear - Resets exp counter to 0
barfiller reload - Turns itself off, and on again
barfiller unload - Disables addon completely

Shortcuts for Console and //Chat Window:

bf h   |   //bf h
bf c   |   //bf c
bf r   |   //bf r
bf u   |   //bf u

Thanks to

@Byrth for the PointWatch addon, and maintainer @SnickySnacks. @sm111 on parsing packets. @Arcon, and @IryokuChevalier for helping debug, clean up the code, better logic structure, and overall great feedback.

Support or Contact

Found a bug, want to request new features, or yell at me? You can reach me best on the Windower Forums, or on the FFOChat IRC channel (